About the Book 'Venice in Transition - Whispers of Loss'


I built this site because I love Venice and wanted to share the photographs captured during the several years spent there. In the process of generating the webpages, and subsequently producing the book Venice in Transition - Whispers of Loss, I began to understand more fully what lies beneath the magic of La Serenissima.

Publisher Description
Venice is a city in transition, struggling to balance the demands of modern tourism with the urgent need to preserve its heritage.  In this enchanting photographic documentary, Val de Furrentes penetrates the tourist-friendly veneer, and explores the essence and authenticity of what remains of the past. Globalisation, politics and tourism are transforming the identities of cities across the world.  Venice, one of the most vulnerable tourist destinations, faces the additional challenge of unique environmental changes.  A fragile floating city of canals, bridges and narrow streets, its future is uncertain.  Mass tourism is taking over the city, and reshaping its idiosyncratic features. While characteristic buildings are preserved, their function has changed: noble palaces now offer holiday accommodation; former monasteries house civic offices or learning institutions; and traditional ateliers have given way to fast food pizzerias and gift shops. However, there are still places of considerable beauty to discover and rediscover, many of them off the beaten track.  Val de Furrentes provides a thoughtful and informative vision of the city.  This book will be warmly welcomed by both newcomers to Venice and seasoned Venice veterans.

Ninety-five photographs illustrating the book have been drawn from the Val de Furrentes Photo Library. A selection from the library's images is shown on this site.