Venice in Transition - Whispers of Loss
106 pages illustrated with 95 high-quality colour photographs selected from
the Val de Furrentes Photo Library.
With an Introduction by Robin Saikia, author of The Venice Lido, a Blue Guide
Travel Monograph.
Size 210mm x 210mm.
Publication date April 2023.
Reviews and Recommendations
'The beauty of Venice’s structures is found in the more hidden, uncelebrated structures and corners that only the dedicated explorer finds. Venice in Transition -Whispers of Loss captures that beauty exquisitely. It is evident that each of the 100 some images grew out of a long hunt for the perfect scene. Each is described simply but carefully. There are none of the overdone iconic images that we tired of looking at. Here you find just the gems.'
Neal E Robbins - author 'Venice, an Odyssey'.
'The eagle-eyed amongst you might have noticed that the photographs on Churches of Venice are occasionally provided by other photographers. Amongst the most noticeable of these are those taken by Val de Furrentes, and she has a new book of them out. I can truly recommend it – the photos are just so superior, and the layouts in the book are noticeable and clever – and when was the last time you noticed that about a book? There's smart text too, but the photos are what you'll want this book for.'